| S Q U A R E - O N E |

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| R E S T R I C T I O N S |

This is where our laws are located. Here you may find our |Plot| and |Rules| and any other information you need to know about our site. Please be sure to read all of our rules, regulations and information BEFORE you register and create a Character.

3 3 Our Story Thus Far
by Seth Tobias Bonvard
Jul 9, 2011 8:13:01 GMT -6
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| F - A - Q |

F.requently A.sked Q.uestions. Don't know everything you need to? Have some questions you'd like to ask us? Well if you have any questions, or just some suggestions pertaining the site, please feel free to post them here, suggestions and questions are always welcomed by Admin. The staff or any other helping member will be right with you as soon as they can. Do not be afraid, we don't bite.

1 1 F.A.Q -Will be updated constantly-
by Seth Tobias Bonvard
Jul 9, 2011 8:15:59 GMT -6
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| B R O A D C A S T I N G - L I V E |

This is the board for all |Announcements| |Activity Checks| |Polls| by the staff for the site. Make sure to check back every once in awhile to update your knowledge on the site's news.

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| M E G A P H O N I C S |

Want to let everyone know you have an open topic? Need a player for your rp? Want a certain character to interact with? Let your voice be known here.

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| D I G G I N G - D I T C H E S |

This is the thread graveyard. Any thread that has been ended, or had died due to inactivity will be moved here. If an Admin does not know if a thread is active, and there has been no post within two weeks, the inactive thread will be moved here. If it was just a mistake, and it is in fact still being posted on, please let the admin know so that we may fix it. Finished threads shall be laid to rest here.

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| L A B O R - A N D - D E L I V E R Y |

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| C L A S S I F I E D |

All races and their info lie here. Other things such as myths and legends on the beasts exist as well, even ancient tomes from the Humans past.

5 5 The Hume
by Seth Tobias Bonvard
Jul 9, 2011 8:34:33 GMT -6
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| T A K E N |

Want to claim a position in society, a name, or even a face? Better be quick about it and post here what you want!

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| S I G N - U P S |

Here is where we all begin, at the Character Registration. Create your deepest desire here, tell us who you are. Let the blood flow and keys fly and come into our world. Make the real demons from your mind come true, this is the place of creation. Place your literate children safely here until accepted by an Admin.

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| F I N A L L Y - L E G A L |

Finally accepted into our new world, welcome to "Conspiring Paranoia" new comer. All the hard work and creativity you have put into your character has paid off at last. If your character rests safely within these walls, you may use them to your hearts desire, but be warned, your character must be placed here by an Admin, before you are allowed to participate in any Role Play.

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| D E A D - B I T C H E S |

Sadly we lay them to rest, we could not keep them alive. Their breathe has ceased, their hearts no longer beat. Let your characters rest in peace here. If you have grown tired of your puppet and wish to move on with newer characters, then set them up for adoption and let them have new homes. No one should be euthanized for no reason.

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| W I T H I N - T H E - W A L L S |

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| N O B L E S - M A N O R |

All the richest people in the whole city live in the Manor. Families and friends of the Dictator reside in these manors across the globe. High technology, fancy living, excellent food, top notch security systems. Everything one could want to live comfortably.

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| G I L E A N T - P A R K |

A friendly family park in the middle of the housing district of Arlent. Master swingsets, jungle-gyms, ancient fun-to-climb trees, this place has everything! This park is safe enough for kids to play by themselves in the dark.

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| C O M I N G - T O - M A R K E T |

"To market, to market!" We sell trinkets, clothing, foods, hover parts, mind chips, you name it! Recently added is our new pet center! Have fun, be careful of those little playful children though, they tend to play with your money.

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| L E I A T H - G Y M |

The one training facility in Arlent. This is where anyone in the whole city can come to become stronger or just to stay fit. Not only do civilians come here, but this is the same location where the Stiansabre train. They tend to scout the promising humes working out in the gymnastics area, tending to ignore the pool but never neglecting the track or soccer field.

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| C I V I L I A N - L I V I N G |

Everyone has the same type of house. Nothing unique on the outside, plain white walls, square windows, dark curtains. Everything a 'good' citizen should have.

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| T H E - B I R D C A G E |

The Birdcage is the most successful gentlemen's club in all of Arlent. Only the finest and sexiest Hume girls are allowed to work here for your pleasure. Gentlemen, relax at the bar or on the main floor, let our girls make you happy.

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| C A F É - K A F É |

A small and quaint little café off the beaten path inside the city of Arlent. Those who need to find themselves, those who are lost and need guidance and are searching for the anwer to the tension, tend to chance upon this hidden tea shop. With a door facing the main city and another leading outside the walls, anyone and everyone is welcome. The owner, Kafè Nagaem, welcomes all. So come in and have a sandwhich and some coffee.

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| R E B E L L I O N - T H R I V E S |

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| B E R L I N - M I M I C |

The large wall built around the city of Arlent to keep out the supes. This barrier is over 689 feet tall and over two-and-a-half meters thick. Made of reinforced titanium, this wall, like all the city-"protecting" walls around the world, have never been opposed. Humes say it's because of these walls they are safe. Supe's admit to never really attacking the walls....

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| S U P E - B A Z A A R |

Perhaps not as elegant and high class as the Humes market, and constantly on the move, but nontheless this place has it all! Smuggled technology from the Humes, excellent food, clothes, small artifacts, and information. Even the Humes would come here for that...

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| F I E L D - P R A C T I C E |

In reality, this is merely a cleared out area of the forest a few miles away from the city. Filled with training equipment and practice weapons, this is a mock up of the Gym inside Arlent, designed near a lake for optimum copy-catism.This is where all supes can 'stay fit', but really the L.o.C comes to train and hone their skills to battle the Hume Army.

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| L.O.C - H.Q |

A rather large building hidden in the forest, another mock up of the humes, this large estate was built to be the spitting image of the Noble Mannor. The use for this place is to house, support, and inform the rebellion, aka, the Main Headquarters for the L.o.C.
Few know this, but this used to house the Bonvards, the Nobles of the Pakua.

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| J E S P E R - F O R E S T |

Miles and miles of thick trees surrounding the Arlent City. Hidden nooks and such house the out-casted supes. Plenty of game and wildlife reside in this untamed wilderness. Even supes have a hard time survivng the deeper into the forest you go.

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| B A S H - I T - U P |

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| A R R I V A L S |

Introduce yourself as you or your character. It doesn't matter, either way we can see into your soul this way...

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| Y A H T Z E E |

Shall we play a |G|A|M|E|? Or perhaps we could tell a |S|T|O|R|Y|? Anything you could dream of, anything at all, you may 'hide' here.

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| H E L P I N G - H A N D S |

Aid is here, calm yourselves. The Calvary have arrived. You no longer need to worry about miss use of words, nor will you have to worry about feeling 'ignorant'. Our members are here to help you.

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| H Y P E - B L U R B - P L U G |

Affiliate with us, join our ever growing Rebellion or become our S|i|b|l|i|n|g site. But, if you so wish and choose, flaunt yourself, Advertise your board. We won't judge.

"Guest Friendly"

3 3 Affiliation Form
by Seth Tobias Bonvard
Jul 9, 2011 7:57:19 GMT -6
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| D E P A R T U R E S |

"We miss you already!"
If you leave for any amount of time and do not wish to be stricken from the records, please tell us. Accidents will not be the responsibility of the staff.

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